
Brick Walls and Breakthroughs: Conquering Plateaus on Your Drumming Journey

Brick Walls and Breakthroughs: Conquering Plateaus on Your Drumming Journey

September 01, 20242 min read

How do you smash through those dreaded practice plateaus? Let's face it, hitting a brick wall mid-practice is no fun. But for all drummers, myself included, it's an inevitable part of the drumming journey. The key is not letting those walls stop you in your tracks. Here's how I deal with practice plateaus:

The Inevitable Wall

We've all been there. You're diligently practicing a new fill, a complex groove, and… nothing clicks. Frustration sets in, progress seems stagnant. It's a demotivating feeling, but here's the good news: it's completely normal!

Patience is the Key

The first step to overcoming a plateau is acceptance. Complex skills take time to develop. A week, a month – it may feel like an eternity while you're in the thick of it, but in the grand scheme of things, it's a short period.

Remember Your Journey

Take a moment to reflect. Think back to skills you were struggling with just a year ago that now feel comfortable. That progress is a testament to your dedication and the power of consistent practice. Use that as fuel to keep pushing forward when you hit a wall.

Break It Down, Build It Up

Sometimes, a seemingly insurmountable obstacle can be tackled by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable pieces. Focus on isolated sections, master them individually, then slowly but surely put them back together.

Persistence is Power

The most important weapon in your anti-plateau arsenal? Persistence. Don't let frustration lead to abandonment. Keep chipping away at that challenge, bit by bit, day by day. Consistency is key – even short, focused practice sessions add up over time.

Seek Inspiration

Sometimes, a fresh perspective can work wonders. Watch drumming tutorials, listen to your favorite drummers, or even collaborate with a fellow drummer. These external sources can reignite your passion and spark new ideas for tackling that stubborn challenge.

The Power of Community

Remember, you're not alone in this! Share your struggles and victories with other drummers in online forums or communities. You might be surprised how much encouragement and advice you can find from your fellow drummers.

From Plateau to Progress

Practice plateaus are temporary setbacks, not permanent roadblocks. By embracing patience, persistence, and a little creative problem-solving, you'll transform those walls into stepping stones on your path to drumming mastery.

How Do You Break Through the Wall?

Now it's your turn! What are your personal strategies for conquering practice plateaus? Share your tips and tricks in the comments below. Let's build a drumming community that supports and motivates each other to keep grooving forward!

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Grant Collins

Grant’s influential and inventive dedication to the instrument has spanned over thirty years, in which time he has developed new techniques and instrument combinations. This extensive commitment has also seen him make significant global musical contributions, not only to the drums, but the music industry itself as his dedication extends from professional drumming, to corporate motivations, keynote presentations and also the highest of quality creative educational instruction.

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