
What’s been a turnaround for you? : My Drumming Wake-Up Call

What’s been a turnaround for you? : My Drumming Wake-Up Call

July 14, 20242 min read

What sparked a turnaround in your drumming inspiration? Let me tell you, mine wasn't exactly what you might expect.

The Gig (Almost) Gone Wrong

We all have those moments that make us question our skills. For me, it came during my first professional gig. The thrill of live shows, the roar of the crowd...it was everything I dreamed of. Except, a dark secret gnawed at me: my drumming wasn't good enough.

Let's be honest, the band was starting to get frustrated. My fills were sloppy, my timing shaky. The whispers of a replacement drummer started swirling, and the fear hit me like a cymbal crash.

The Turning Point

But fear can be a powerful motivator. I loved playing those shows, the energy, the connection with the music. I couldn't imagine giving it all up. That's when I knew something had to change.

From Fear to Focus

The near-miss became the catalyst for a drumming revolution. I signed up for drum lessons, the kind I'd been putting off for ages. Practicing wasn't a chore anymore, it was a mission. I devoured drumming books, watched instructional videos on repeat, and spent countless hours honing my skills.

The Climb Back Up

Slowly but surely, I started to see improvement. My fills tightened up, my timing became rock-solid, and my confidence soared. The band noticed. The whispers faded, replaced by smiles and head nods. More importantly, the music came alive.

Finding Your Spark

Now, don't get me wrong, sometimes inspiration comes from watching drumming legends or discovering a killer new groove. But for me, it was the fear of losing something I loved that truly lit a fire under me.

So, the next time you're feeling uninspired, remember, a turnaround can come from the most unexpected places.

What's Your Turnaround Story?

Share your experiences in the comments below! Did a specific drummer inspire you? Did a new technique unlock your potential? Let's keep each other motivated on this drumming journey.

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Grant Collins

Grant’s influential and inventive dedication to the instrument has spanned over thirty years, in which time he has developed new techniques and instrument combinations. This extensive commitment has also seen him make significant global musical contributions, not only to the drums, but the music industry itself as his dedication extends from professional drumming, to corporate motivations, keynote presentations and also the highest of quality creative educational instruction.

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