Most of us are not working to our maximum potential. Let's take a dive into how we can get the best out of everything that we learn.
Let's talk about how to 10X your playing.
When we learn an idea, often we'll get a couple of things to do with it and we'll learn another idea, learn some things with that and so the story keeps going. So what happens is, we have this pile of ideas that we can sort of do. Some of the ideas we learn are not thorough enough to be able to actually use. And over this side we have a pile of things that we know really well and we can use all the time.
But unfortunately, the pile of all these different things we looked at is huge and the pile of things that we're using over here is only small. What we can do is, let's take an idea that you've done and let's look at how you can play it 10 different ways. It could be something as simple as a paradiddle, but think of 10 different ways you could play a paradiddle, as in fills, putting it in different styles, a whole bunch of different grooves, playing it between different limbs, all those sorts of things. And then all of a sudden you've got 10 ideas out of this one concept of a paradiddle.
Some of the great things that happen is that you start to own that. You own that sticking of the paradiddle. You just know it so well and you develop a sense of creativity too. Then all of a sudden you're not just saying, "Okay, here's the rhythm." And you're not just singing this pattern. All of a sudden you're thinking, "Well what can I do with this pattern? How can I move it?" You'll try things that you haven't tried before because you're trying to get 10 different ways to play it. It can be really, really awesome for our creativity.
Not just that, but when you go to play in a band situation, especially an improvised sort of thing, and you go to do a groove or fill, this stuff will come out because you will own it. It'll be a part of you, not like in some of those things where you sort of do and you can play the groove, but you're only playing it once every now and then, without really thinking about it. You're not going to be able to put it in there. This other thing, when you learn it and you 10X it, you're going to own that to be able to put it anywhere.
The good thing about it is, when we're learning something new, the learning curve generally it's pretty steep because even if you haven't played a para before, it's pretty steep. Once we sort of get it, it's sort of like, "Oh, okay, this is easier," and then just learn all these things on it.
So if you're putting in all that work to get up there and just get the core pattern, put in a little bit extra and get creative with it and really own it. Take it to the next level, 10X it!
A bit of food for thought. Let me know in the comments what you would like to 10X and 10 different ways you can play it.
Thanks Grant
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